I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" - Karl Pilkington

Shadow Flare

CRank: 5Score: 111965

"I predict that the PlayStation 4 will only manage to sell a maximum of 60 million units"

Already bollocks but I'm gonna continue reading....

Ok finished reading it.


We've just come off the back of the most successful console generation ever. All 3 consoles could hit 100 million units sold which is absolutely unprecedented and a remarkable achievement.

How many more articles do we ...

4111d ago 116 agree14 disagreeView comment

"Edit-- Oh really Mebeatdown...was that stupid? Ok.

After 6 years Ps2 sold over 100 Million. After 7 years it was 118 million

Ps3 is on it's 6.5 years btw. (77 million)"

Did you not read the rest of his comment?

PS2 achieved those sales by spending a large portion of its life under $200. PS3 hasn't even reached under $200 yet. It's kind of a big deal.

Apparently 360 is already $99. It...

4111d ago 35 agree5 disagreeView comment

Irishguy, the ps3 is still selling, and its still not even under the $200 price point.

The competition is selling a lot more consoles but ps3 is still steadily and very happily on its way past the 100 million barrier. With further price cuts and games who knows how much it will sell up until its dead.

Sony may have lost marketshare but have they lost their userbase? This isn't the end of the ps3's life, it's steamrolling sales at the moment.

4112d ago 51 agree21 disagreeView comment

One thing I'm going to hate about this generation is having pc fanboys join in these forums.

I've never associated the 2, console gaming to me is its own field and pc gaming is a completely different field like handheld gaming is. To me anyway. We don't get a lot of the pc games and pc doesn't get a lot of the console games.

Why do pc gamers think we care how powerful their pc is compared to a ps4? In this generation, when I compared ps3 games...

4112d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

I've think everyone's misunderstood his point.

I think he's saying, if it isn't made by Sony (naughty dog) , then I don't care about the game

Maybe he should have worded it as eloquently as DonJogHurt below did

4112d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

I didn't thumbs down you

Fact is, Sony supports their consoles for a long time

The ps3 still costs more then the Wii did at launch in 2006

Sales are gonna go up a fair bit when prices get cut below the 200 mark and as the article stated, ps2 went on to sell a further 55 million when it went below 200.

It isn't over till its over, the Wii is basically dead now but ps3 has enough potential momentum to overtake it

4112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am including the Wii


Read. Learn.

4112d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's not as big a gamble as the ps3 was. Cell and bluray were big gambles for ps3, if for the expense alone. Sony seem to be doing everything right with the ps4 so far, I'm impressed and I'm sure as long as the price is right (Sony are very conscious of not making it close to $600 again) then it's a safe bet ps4 is gonna be successful

4113d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

SDF, if I'm honest, I use my phone mostly for the Internet use and fairly little for phoning and texting

But I use my ps3 probably 95% for games, and use its other applications fairly little.

Both devices in the modern age have multiple functionality, but I still use my games console mostly for its core purpose, gaming. I don't switch on my ps3 to use Facebook, I want to play games

And in that notion, just as I have a massive focus o...

4113d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 on track to becoming the top selling console this generation

4113d ago 63 agree9 disagreeView comment

I remember before n4g existed, this site used to be split into 2 sites, a ps3 one called ps3today.net and a 360 one. What I found funny was that all the Xbox fanboys back then kept trolling the ps3today.net site, they'd come into the ps3 site. Then n4g formed and it was a Xbox haven for a while.

If you think the amount of Wii u is doomed articles are a lot now, ps3 doomed articles were just rampant.

I think the big change started when bluray pimp slapped...

4114d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Shigeru Miyamoto had to take his cat to the vet because it was severely bottle necked

4114d ago 31 agree1 disagreeView comment

He could talk about his cat

4114d ago 41 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forgive me, I can't get over the sheer and utter bollocks of that statement dragonknight said:

" The New York "Bronx" accent is actually the more historical British accent and, as colonists left to return to Britannia, their accent changed."

That is one of the most incredible things I've read. Absolute rubbish.

Lets get this straight, from his statement apparently at the time when Britain colonised America, everyon...

4115d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The New York "Bronx" accent is actually the more historical British accent"

That is one of the funniest things I've read this year. I'm pretty sure William Shakespeare didn't speak like a New York taxi driver, but hey, I don't own a time machine, how would I know

"Romeo, oh Romeo, get your hot dogs here Romeo"

Oh, just FYI dragonknight, there's no such thing as a British accent. People who ar...

4115d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Umm, well let me describe my situation because others might be the same.

I'm not that interested in minecraft. I have a laptop that can run minecraft, but I hate my laptop, plus I don't like gaming on pc's

But I'm half interested in what all the fuss is about with this game.

If it happens to pop onto my console, then i might try it out. Why not. And if its on vita, that would be pretty cool actually, cos there's not many g...

4117d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or maybe some people don't like gaming on a pc? A reason why consoles sell so well maybe?

Everybody's different, I don't like gaming on a pc. Assuming everybody games on a pc is where your opinion hit the fan.

4117d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment


It won't be hard to overtake the slowest selling console this generation. I mean the ps3's only been outselling 360 globally since it launched

Oh wait, Jack Tretton said PS3 has SOLD 77 million ps3's. 360's already dead last.

4117d ago 34 agree5 disagreeView comment

"But here we are today, with an estimated 77 million PS3s sold worldwide, about 23 million units behind the market leader, the Wii - and enough potential in the console to carry on past Nintendo's high-flying system.

Let's get the clearest fact out of the way: the Wii is not going to sell many more units."

This is something I've thought about for a while. The possibility is there. PS3 is steam rolling at the moment, I think it sold about...

4117d ago 47 agree9 disagreeView comment

@knight crawler

It's pretty amazing how you've seen the official Sony documents that state you have to re-purchase every ps3 game you own to play them again on ps4. Where did you hear that, in the executives boardroom meeting?

4120d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment